about us

In 2008, co-owners Byron Dean and Nancy Carpenter started a company to help the Aged, Infirmed, and Disabled learn how to use computers.  Since then, we have evolved to using technology to help the Aged, Infirmed, and Disabled, specifically Veterans to manage their life.

We help by:

- sending text and phone call reminders

- sorting medications

- providing end of life services

- coordinating and vetting service providers

- connecting our membership with like-minded individuals

- providing art and creative writing therapies

- providing educational resources

Presently, we are providing services manually, and through this website. However, in the future, we would like to create our own app so we can respond quicker, be more efficient, and always be available. Therefore, we have a non-profit called Aidall Foundations, where we are accepting donations in time and/or money to help us build our infrastructure and the AIDALL app.

Check out how you can help by going to Aidall Foundations.

text & call Reminders
sorting medication
End of life services
art & writing therapies
community membership

TEXT OR CALL Reminders

medication REMINDERS

Appointment reminders

And more!

Sorting medications

The process of sorting medications:

  1. Send the prescriptions to our address 12129 State Hwy 14 N., Ste. 12A, Cedar Crest, NM 87008.
  2. Sort medications in labeled plastic medicine bags based on prescription instructions.
  3. Mail sorted prescriptions to back to client.

end of life services

Email will or trust documents to us support@aidall.net.

We will inform loved ones of passing and wishes.

We provide a daily check-in reminder to ensure you are still alive.


Community membership

Connect with other Aidall users and share your thoughts, artworks, stories, and more!



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